Atomic Essay 5: Why Do We Sometimes Just Instinctively Dislike Someone?
Carl Jung once said: “Everything that irritates us about others can lead us to an understanding of ourselves.”
I recently made a promise to myself to proactively not get annoyed or angry at anything or anyone. Yet, sometimes, some people just strike a nerve. Made me wonder, why?
Of course, it always has to do with you and your perspective. For instance, if I don’t base my self-worth on physical attractiveness, I’m unlikely to become irritated — or even take note — that your hair is so out of place during our conversation. However, if I’m overly fixated on my own beauty, your hair may become a focal point for my critical thoughts.
When someone’s behavior triggers a strong reaction in you, it’s important to ask yourself: What is it about what they’re doing that makes you react so strongly? Could it be that their actions clash with something you hold dear, like one of your strong beliefs? And is there a way to better understand where they’re coming from, maybe by considering their intentions or background, instead of only looking through your own values and expectations?
This kind of self-reflection can help you have more empathetic and productive interactions with others.
I read this off the internet “Strangers act as mirrors in which we can see our own imperfect reflections.”
Very few people create this reaction in me, but I like the thought of looking inward instead of them and understanding the why.
About my atomic essays: Let’s be informed, not influenced
As an adult, we stop asking questions. Or at least at the same frequency as we did as kids. I want to change that.
I want to ask more questions, and ask the right questions. These questions are not necessarily to find A RIGHT answer. They’re all about making me think more, reflect on things, and maybe even challenge some of the stuff I thought I knew.
I take it as a little adventure for my brain. Each question is like a puzzle piece, and when I put them together, they create a bigger picture of understanding. It’s a small step to become a bit better at life.
My atomic essays are a short explanation of what I learnt. Hopefully it also helps someone with something.